About Us
Superior quality and performance… since 1957
The Founder
Cubex Co. was founded in Altadena, California by Karl Scharping (W6KWF). Several quad kits were offered to include the highly successful Mk-series tri-band quads, the Skymaster DIY kits and several 11m “CB” options were available. Cubex remained in California for more than 30 years, supplying high quality systems for radio operators around the world.

Sunny Florida
In the mid-1990s, Norm Alexander (W4QN), a retired Motorola employee purchased Cubex and relocated the operation to Florida, where he continued to produce the original product line and added several new models to the catalog. Most notable were the Expo-series of mono-band and dual band designs, with several new UHF/VHF designs that are a favorite with fixed base operators.
A Trip up North
Around 2010, Roger Greenfield (WB8NDC) who owned the popular Tennadyne Log Periodic antenna brand, purchased Cubex and relocated production to Alto, Michigan. With many years of experience in the antenna business, Roger carried the torch supplying numerous quad systems in addition to the high-quality log periodic line.

These gentlemen all left their mark on this long-running brand, and many of their products are still on the air today. If you’ve had the pleasure of working with them, you know that they were not only friendly and accommodating but shared a genuine interest in promoting the amateur radio hobby and contributing to readiness in our military and civilian EOC services.
For several years I had my eyes on a Cubex antenna system. I’m a big fan of quads and have scratch built several designs. The design work was the easy part, but when it comes to large multi-element HF quads it’s the mechanicals that pose a real challenge. Cubex had this figured out with their robust subassemblies and proven dimensions. I had no desire to reinvent the wheel, so in early 2021 I picked up the phone to inquire about the MkIV 5-band system.
During conversations with Roger, it became evident that at 74 years old he was looking to retire and was trying to wind his operation down as he quietly looked for a successor. At the time, I was out of work as my employer of 15 years decided to move operations to Houston, Texas. I had no interest in accompanying the group, so we discussed purchasing the brands.
In October 2021 Roger and I struck a deal, and I decided I would purchase both brands. Operating under my parent company (Eleven Bravo LLC – an Oklahoma based company) operations were relocated to Collinsville, Oklahoma. Now officially Cubex Quads, it took a little time to get things up and running, but with 20+ years in manufacturing, engineering, customer service, sales and marketing roles, I was able to establish supply chain and shipping and focus on many process improvements that helped us to streamline the production of these highly custom and hand-made products.
Now in our fourth year and with nearly 500 shipments worldwide, we continue to refine our operations to improve capacity while maintaing high quality standards as our primary focus. Assisted by my son, Tyler (W5EAA) we have supplied hundreds of systems to amateur, commercial, public and emergency service operators, receiving very positive feedback from our customers. We may not be the quickest solution with our “first- come, first-served” approach, but we do our best to expedite these hand-built projects in short order. Most importantly, our quality is paramount. A fair compromise for discerning operators.

World-class antenna systems with nearly 70 years combined history and experience, Cubex Quads is revered among serious DXers and contesters alike. Anyone who demands a high gain and low noise antenna system with ultimate directivity and superb unwanted signal rejection, there is no better choice.
Quads earned a poor reputation as being “fragile” in decades past, but gone are the days of bamboo spreaders and flimsy mechanical components. Now constructed using durable fiberglass, heat treated hub assemblies and aerospace quality materials and hardware, Cubex Quads is synonymous with high quality, and the on-air performance is second to none.
If you want a superior antenna design, look no further. Nothing beats a quad!
73, Mark – K5YAC